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Countywide Drains

Stay clear this Christmas with Countywide Drains

As the festive season approaches, We here at Countywide Drains urge Irish households to take preventive measures against the menace of blocked drains. By implementing these practical tips, you can ensure a hassle-free holiday season and avoid the need for a Drainage CCTV Survey.

Mindful Disposal of Grease and Fat

During Christmas preparations, it's common to encounter excess grease and fat. To prevent blocked drains, refrain from pouring these substances down the sink. Instead, collect them in a container and dispose of them in the bin. This simple practice can significantly reduce the risk of drain blockages.


Use Drain Strainers

Invest in drain strainers for sinks and showers. These inexpensive devices act as a first line of defence, capturing hair, food particles, and other debris before they can accumulate and cause blockages. Regularly clean the strainers to maintain optimal drainage.


Mindful Disposal of Food Waste

Avoid washing leftover food down the kitchen sink. Use a kitchen compost bin for organic waste or dispose of it in the rubbish bin. Food scraps can contribute to blockages, and a proactive approach will help maintain smooth drainage.


Educate Household Members

Ensure everyone in your household is aware of what should and shouldn't be disposed of in drains. Educate them about the consequences of improper disposal, emphasising the potential for blocked drains and the associated inconveniences.


Regular Maintenance with Drain Cleaners

Incorporate the use of eco-friendly drain cleaners into your routine. These products help break down accumulated grease, soap scum, and other organic materials, preventing the formation of blockages. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for optimal results.


Schedule Professional Drain Inspections

Consider scheduling a Drainage CCTV Survey before the holiday season kicks in. This advanced inspection technique allows for a thorough examination of your drainage system, identifying potential issues before they escalate. Early detection can save you from unexpected disruptions during Christmas celebrations.


Avoid Excessive Use of Toilet Paper

While toilet paper is designed to break down easily, excessive use can still lead to blockages. Encourage moderate use and consider keeping a wastebasket in the bathroom for items like facial tissues, wet wipes, and sanitary products.


Protect Outdoor Drains

Ensure that outdoor drains, such as those in your garden or driveway, are clear of leaves and debris. Use a mesh cover to prevent larger particles from entering and causing blockages. This will help maintain efficient drainage throughout the winter months.

By implementing these proactive measures, you can safeguard your drains and enjoy a stress-free Christmas season. Countywide Drains recommends a combination of responsible habits, regular maintenance, and professional inspections to prevent blocked drains. Prioritise the health of your drainage system, and you'll be able to focus on creating lasting festive memories without any unexpected interruptions.


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